Facebook | March 2017
Hi everyone!
Normally when I do up my monthly Facebook recap blog post, I try and put the photos in the order that they appeared on Facebook. However, this month I chose to share this photo with you first because it was my favourite for the month :D

I took this photo on the 26th March - it was a beautiful day and I took this on a drive out to my mum and dad's place. I had forgotten my camera so the trusty iPhone had to do the job! I think it did alright ;)

Ok, no we're back in Facebook order ;) I shared this photo on the 4th March after there had been some glorious rain around Central Queensland.

I have lived in Emerald my whole life, and I have had an interest in photography for about 10 years... Yet I had never taken photos of a cotton crop ready for picking! I am excited to say that changed in March! :D I finally got some photos of the fluffy white stuff...

...and the cotton picker too...
I love living in Central Queensland. We really do have some amazing sunsets! These sunrays were magnificent.

Another sunset photo overlooking the cotton crop on "Kerry Downs", Emerald Qld.
You can see these photos in my last blog post too - Agriculture | Cotton Picking Time.

"God made the horse from the breath of the wind, the beauty of the earth and the soul of an angel." - Unknown

I took this snap on my phone of a fast moving storm.

This photo makes me feel calm... I can hear the water trickling over the rocks and the birds chirping in the trees when I look at this photo. We went for a quick trip to Proserpine a in February and this beautiful big tree was at Cedar Park Falls. I imagine it wouldn't quite look the same anymore after Cyclone Debbie visited the area :(

It's been a while since I shared a photo of my dogs, so I thought I would share the March photo from my 2017 Dachshund calendar.

You know how I love old, rusty things? Well I bought this old Bedford truck at a clearing sale! Isn't it a beauty!?
I still haven't decided on a name for it but I got lots of suggestions on Facebook :)

It was another lovely rainy day when I shared this photo on 20th March.

Getting a photo of a crop duster at work has been on my to do list for a while... I was in the right place at the right time a few weeks ago and managed to snap these :)

"The sound of rain needs no translation". - Zen Proverb
(This photo is a new edit on a photo I took back in 2013. I love rainy days!)

March ended with some pretty crazy weather in Queensland and Northern New South Wales.
My thoughts and prayers go to all those affected <3 We were very lucky here at Emerald - beautiful rain and just a bit of wind...
Well that's all for March. Thanks for checking out my Blog post and I hope you enjoyed this month's photos. Make sure you subscribe to the mailing list so you don't miss next month's.
Bindi :)